Category Archives: emotionally unavailable

The Journey Continues…Taking My Hand Out of the Can

(Photo Source) Last week was a very long week. On Sunday we received word that Beautifulbabydaughter’s grandpa had died. I dropped everything and drove to Wichita to be with my girls. It turned into a very long, very emotional week culminating in driving to the small town I grew up in on Friday for the […]

Natalie Lue Slammed by the Media

I’m sure by now you what a huge fan of Natalie Lue’s (NML) I am. I have reviewed her book and mentioned Baggage Reclaim in my posts on several occasions. There’s a very good reason for this. Natalie is my sister from another mother…I’m sure of it. Not only do we have our drama mamas […]

When the Drama Demons Come Out to Play

Yesterday my girl NML posted another guest post of mine in her 30 days of drama series based on the end of a very good friend’s relationship. You can read Don’t Engage the Drama Demons here. In a nutshell, Drama Dude had stolen money from her 7 year old son, had not contributed emotionally or […]

No More Drama

(Photo Source) My girl, NML, is running a 30 day series about being addicted to what she calls “relationship crack.” She is talking about drama. You know, that crap that keeps you in that place where if things feel like they’re too good to be true, you create some drama to remind yourself they’re probably […]

Assclowns & Douchebags- The Wrap Up

see more crazy cat pics The divorce from #4 was final 11 days before our 3rd anniversary. It was a bumpy road. I mean they all were really but #4 was mean and just narcissistic enough to make it a living hell. When it was final and the dust settled the sense of relief was […]

Assclowns & Douchebags- #4

see more crazy cat picsThis is a long one kids! After #3 was finally gone, I began to pick up the pieces of my shattered life and finances. My biggest concern, of course, were my girls. Beautifuleldestdaughter talks to this day about how much she hated him and she couldn’t figure out what she’d done […]

Assclowns & Douchebags- #3

see more crazy cat pics Coming back to Kansas to finish college was one of the first steps I took in gaining some self confidence. Unfortunately, meeting up with #3 did nothing to further that. #3 I have no qualms at all calling a spade a spade in this case. He was almost the biggest […]

Assclowns & Douchebags- #2

see more crazy cat pics Reeling from the effects of the marriage/divorce, I was a mess. My mom’s only concern was what the people of the town thought. It was, after all, a reflection on her. I returned once again to old patterns of promiscuity and partying for awhile. Then I met #2. #2 I […]

Assclowns & Douchebags- #1

see more crazy cat pics Special thanks to NML & Lance for the title inspiration because really no other words describe them as well. The Men In an effort to work on clearing my belief that I’m damaged merchandise and a failure because I’ve been married 4 times, I thought it might be a good […]

The Journey Begins…Again…

(Photo Source) It was a little more than a year ago that I came home from work, turned on Oprah and heard her say that I could have anything I wanted simply by asking for it. That was the first I’d heard of “The Secret” and the law of attraction, but it was enough for […]